Technology-As-A Service (TAAS) is a subscription-based payment model for you A/V equipment needs. Our solution offers the customer added flexibility and protection from the rapid obsolescence of technological equipment
Affordability & Convenience
Choosing to pay as a service allows you to make one low convenient monthly payment for a select term. This option prevents you from having to make a large capital outlay upfront. You can preserve your capital for revenue-generating activities in the future.
Protection & Peace of Mind
If your equipment no longer meets your needs you are able to exercise your Solution Replacement Guarantee. Upgrade to a new solution without rollover balances or penalty fees. Protect yourself from the burden of obsolescence with with Technology-as-a-Service.
Solution Replacement Guarantee
The Solution Replacement Guarantee is protection from when your technology becomes obsolete and no longer meets your needs. Whether it is on day one or three years into the term, if your acquired solution no longer meets your needs, you can have it replaced with a new solution. No rollover balances. No penalty fees.
Act of God
Protect your equipment from natural disasters. If any of the equipment financed is damaged during the term due to a natural disaster such as flooding, lightning, tornados, fire, etc. 100 percent of your out of pocket insurance deductible will be paid covered.
Bundled Support
Lock in the cost of your maintenance agreement at today’s labor rates for the duration of your contract term. The monthly cost will be bundled without finance charges into the same payment as your equipment. Acquiring technology as a monthly payment makes choosing a full term support contract easy. It’s always there to protect you and keep you operating without a large financial burden.
Flexible End of Term Options
Customers choose an end of term option that is right for them. A lot can change in 3-5 years. Decide what’s best when the contract comes to an end, not upfront. Renew with the solution replacement guarantee, renew without it, return the equipment, upgrade to a new system, and more.
The Smart Way to Pay
It is obvious, based on market indicators, that as a service type of payment models make the most logical sense for acquiring a depreciating asset, such as technology hardware because the value lies in the USE rather than ownership of the equipment.
Operating Expense
This payment model is specifically designed as an operating expense and qualifies for off-balance sheet accounting treatment. Utilizing this type of accounting treatment preserves cash, maintains credit lines and allows you to protect your debt ratios. Consult with your accountant to find out how an operating expense can benefit your specific operation.
Ready to talk to an expert?
Technology-As-A-Service is provided to customers in collaboration with our financing partner TAMCO.